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Computer Programming / Coding

Course Description

Students will learn to design, code, and test their own programs while applying mathematical concepts. Teachers introduce concepts and problem-solving skills through a programming language such as C, C++, C#, Java, Python, or Visual Basic. Advanced topics may include sequential files, arrays


Daily Work (60% of Semester Grade): Tasks completed throughout the semester to develop skills

Assessments (40% of Semester Grade): Quizzes, Tests, and Projects completed throughout the semester

Semester Test (15% of Final Grade): End of Semester Assessment

Classroom Expectations

1. Be Respectful (treat other the way you want to be treated, show kindness and consideration, accept others for who they are)

2. Be Reasonable (ask for permission and keep me informed)

3. Be Responsible (be in control of your own behavior, do your part when working with others, bring MacBook to class, and have your work completed on time)


Snacks/Drinks: water only (otherwise ask for permission)

Electronic Devices: cell phones/music players - put away

Late Work: Turn work in on time; work not completed during class will be student's responsibility to complete outside of class. Accepted by end of week or make arrangements with me
